Recruiting, Interviewing and Hiring
Planning for turnover or growth requires a strategic plan as well as a tactical plan. This course will explore the important area of creating a strategy for recruiting as well as provide skills that will allow the manager to match the experience, personality and competency needs of the job to the best candidate. A methodology for a consistent hiring process will allow for improved hiring practices throughout the company. The matching of personality to corporate culture will also be fully explored.
Onboarding and Integration
This program is designed to identify the challenges and opportunities inherent in a new position and to build effective action plans to address them. Attendees will walk away with a) learning plans: what they need to learn to be operative in their new role as well as how and when they intend to learn it and b) business plans: what they need to accomplish and how and when they need to accomplish it. Whether you are beginning a new job yourself or hiring people into new roles, this program will help you achieve productivity sooner.
Executing for Results
As Sales Managers and Sales Reps, we are able to measure our success at the end of the month, quarter, or year by looking at our percent to quota achievement. It is very easy to see if we have been successful or not over a given period of time. Over 100% = success, under 100% = less than success. But quota is not made the last day of the selling period; it is made months ahead of time with activities that generate business outcomes. It is the regular execution of these activities that ensures long-term success. Leaving this program, participants will have a clear understanding of the activities that drive revenue in sales territories along with an understanding of what great execution per activity looks like.
Leadership Ladder
This program will present an array of approaches to various management challenges and allow the participants to practice leadership skills. The fundamentals of motivating diverse individuals will be explored and the concept of goal setting and goal tracking will be developed. The program will also deal with the challenge of field development. Leaders need to adapt to various stages of personal development in order to maximize results. One size does not fit all. The outcome of this program will allow the leader to link motivators to goals and create ownership and accountability throughout the organization.
ECHO Coaching
In every position, an employee needs to be an expert on certain topics. What are they and how can we chunk them into smaller, more coachable components? Then, how can we heighten an employee’s awareness by demonstrating how mastering an agreed upon skill can help them achieve their goals? And lastly, who will own what in the development plan that results?
E: Expert
C: Chunking
H: Heighten Awareness
O: Ownership
ASK Coaching
This module explores the principles of coaching; teaching participants how to unlock their individual potential to maximize performance. Timing, content, emotions, communication skills, experience, goal setting and goal tracking, honesty, and integrity are just a few of the important issues explored in this program. Participants will discover such novel approaches as 20 vs. 1 and Doug’s Cube as part of the program and will leave with a framework of alternative coaching methods to meet varying managerial demands.
A: Attitude
S: Skill
K: Knowledge
Performance Management
Yes, No, Maybe? It is often indecision that keeps managers awake at night and it is indecision that occupies an inordinate amount of their time and energy. This program is designed to give back some of that time and energy by giving the participants new strategies to combat this inertia. This course teaches managers to define and create activities to move people to better performance by helping them evaluate their individual contributors on agreed upon business drivers. This program will teach participants how to increase the number of data points they have on an employee in order to make a more accurate assessment while putting the onus on the employees themselves.
Planning and Conducting Meetings
Bringing groups together is a critical part of a manager’s responsibilities and there is no better opportunity than meetings to demonstrate cohesiveness. Whether the meeting objective is motivational, educational, rewarding, problem-solving, decision making, or simply to disseminate information, there are learned strategies that can help your team meetings be more effective.
Customized Management Programs
Customized programs are created regularly depending on specific needs. In our ever-changing marketplace, new challenges arise. We are frequently asked to research the most current thinking on a variety of topics and prepare programs to address our clients’ needs.